
The Oil and Gas Global Network’s Editor-in-Chief Mark LaCour goes toe-to-toe with Bill Nussey about renewable energy and fossil fuels

About the Oil and Gas Global Network

From their site: Oil and Gas Global Network (OGGN™) is the world’s largest network of oil and gas podcasts. They produce a wide variety of shows to bring out the stories of the companies and people behind the oil and energy industry. Through honest reporting and journalistic integrity they aim to transform the world’s view of the oil and energy industry. 

Interview with Bill Nussey

Not Big Oil but Big Utilities

This is a fun, occasionally spirited, discussion between Bill and Mark that includes the importance of fossil fuels, the challenges of renewable energy, and the disruptive force that small-scale, local energy systems will have on both big incumbents: electric utilities and oil and gas majors.

The Balance Point podcast is a paid podcast but OGGN has graciously allowed Freeing Energy to post it outside the paywall for visitors and listeners.

About Mark LaCour

Mark has lived and worked in the Oil and Gas industry for over 25 years. Later he started his own market research company and has a well-earned reputation as an industry “insider” and independent 3rd party researcher. This led to him becoming a part of the new media, where he has the top Oil and Gas podcasts in the world. He is a sought after public speaker, author, sits on several oil & gas boards and has one of the top oil & gas presences in social media.



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