Every US state has a unique approach to regulating the grid. How can anyone keep track of it all?
In this podcast, Host Bill Nussey talks with Steve Kalland and Autumn Proudlove, from the preeminent North Carolina State University Clean Energy Technology Center, about how and why they track regulations and legislation in all 50 States affecting energy, what is on the legislative agenda, and what it means for the transition to clean energy.
Listen to this podcast and others in our series on these platforms:
Additional reading
To learn more about the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center (NCCETC), you can check out their website https://nccleantech.ncsu.edu
NCCETC are the authors of the nationally renowned regulatory database, Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency, best known as DSIRE. You can learn more about it here. Their other research efforts include:
- The 50 States of Electric Vehicles report
- The 50 States of Grid Modernization report
- The 50 States of Solar report
The Center is largely funded by the sale of these reports so if you like the exec summaries, you can help them continue their amazing efforts by purchasing the full reports at https://www.dsireinsight.com/.
You can also read some of our related work:
- The Freeing Energy take on The New Green Deal